This strategy aims to strengthen the women’s activism at all levels. It will serve as an Annual Continental forum for women to meet and share experience and perspectives. This will also serve as space for women to articulate their own policy position without bias and undue influence. It will build on the forum structures that brings together individuals and institutions with diverse backgrounds across a large number of countries into a collective endeavour to work on women’s programmes.
The Forum will be able to formulate for action plans for the various pertinent issues identified in the discussions. The Forum will also be tasked with the formulation of Reports on progress and challenges in the implementation of the various international instruments and programmes.
These reports will be tabulated and submitted to relevant bodies such as UN general assembly and special commissions, African Union Commission and other monitoring bodies.
Host Annual Dialogue platforms, comprising workshops, seminars and intergenerational dialogues
- Continental, Regional and National
- Bring unity among women's organizations, and in the women's movement as a whole in the continent
- Increasing voice and capacity of disadvantaged grassroots women
- Provide platforms for debate, brainstorming, sharing of experiences and action
- Identify and communicate the most promising practices and lessons learned to achieve equal participation of women in decision-making processes
- Identify and consolidate approaches/tools that empower women